Sunday, August 15, 2010

Long Time, No Talk

Sorry Sorry Sorry!! So....I've finished sewing the blankets and trying to overcome the boredom and finish tacking them.
I have friends/family members having babies in Dec and so I need to get busy with making some diaper bags  and hats and blankets well you get the point.
I have also started making hair clips and barrettes for my little girls and my nieces. Once I get more made I will post Pictures.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Next Project

This is a blanket my Great Grandmother made for me when I was...I think...14? Give or take a year. She made My sister, Haddi, and I blankets but in a small more toddler friendly size when we were...toddlers. My mom says she still has them. This one my blankie! I use it all the time My sister, on the other hand, has never used hers afraid it will wear out.It's a pretty simple quilt..... a pc of cotton fabric backed with a pc of super soft fleece like cotton fabric with a thin pc of polyester batting  tacked together by hundreds of little hand knotted yarn threads(you can see the tacks all over in the picture) and every stich of sewing was done by hand....Love went into this!!

Unfortunately, my kids were not able to get to know my grandma and she wasn't able to make them blankets before she past away.. So, I took my kids to Hancock Fabrics yesterday and let them pick out the patterns and colors just like my sister and I did over 12 years ago!! I'm excited to get these done! I am going to use a sewing machine so I will be cheating a little, but Just as much love will be put into these blankets as my grandma put into mine.

I spent a couple hours of my day washing and ironing the material and It's ready to use!!! So hopefully I will remember to take pictures of the Journey Of Quilting and most of maybe I will remember to Blog! lol.

The Starling Handbag

Ok  So I just got done with this handbag. It took me awhile but I did it! It's called The Starling Handbag, I found the pattern on another blog FutureGirlCraftBlog and Had to do it. I added my own touches and am very please with how it turned out.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What a horrible start!!!!!!!

SO......I knew it had been a long time since I started and that I had to get back on here and start again....But, I hadn't realized that it had been over 3 full months!!!!! Geeze, I'm sorry to all the millions of readers I have(I have none hehehe). So again....from here on out I plan on trying to post a blog daily. Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....again

Friday, March 12, 2010

In the begining.......

Well, I've got it all set up. Now, I've got to get into the groove of telling it all to a computer. I've never really done the diary thing but am very excited to make an electronic map(story) of my everyday life. WARNING: I'm not holding back on here or going to worry about what people think of what I might end up on here is a mystery but be open to opinions people. I'm a busy bee and love to do crafts and extra curricular activities, so there will be lot of pictures of current projects and I'm sure a ton of pictures of my family.